Thursday 18 September 2008

Questionnaire (Audience research)

1. What gender are you? (please circle)


2. What is your ethnicity? (please circle)

White Asian Black African Black Caribbean
Other (please state) ___________

3. What is your age range? (please circle)

(17 and under) (18-25) (26-35) (36-45) (45-55) (56-65) (Over 65)

4. What is your current occupation?

(Student) (Employed) (Unemployed) (Retired)

5. What is your annual income?

(£0-10000) (£11000-20000) (£21000-30000) (£31000 and over)

6. How often do you purchase a magazine? (please circle)

(More than once a week) (Once a week) (Once a month) (Never)

7. What is the most you would pay for a weekly magazine?

(0-0.50) (0.50-1.50) (1.50-2.50) (2.50-3.50) (3.50-4.50) (£5 and over)

8. When purchasing a lifestyle magazine, what seems to be the main reason for this?

9. Where do you usually hear about the magazine that interests you?

Television Posters/leaflets Friends/Family Radio Internet
Other ___________

10. How often do you use the internet on weekly basis? (please tick)

(0-2) (2-5) (5-8) (8-more)

11. What websites do you tend to go on the most? (please circle)

(Fashion) (Food shopping) (Cosmetics) Other(please state)

12. Do you find fashion important? (please circle)

(Very important) (Quite important) (Not important)

13. Do you feel inspired by the trends celebrities follow? (If yes please state why)


14. Do you usually get your fashion ideas from magazines?


15. Do you find crime an important issue?

(Very important) (Quite important) (Not important)

16. What do you think about crime being discussed in a magazine?
(Please state)

17. Do you find health an important issue? If yes can you specify why?

18. Do you follow a healthy diet?


If yes, what food appeals to you the most?

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