Thursday 26 June 2008

Plans Of Carrying Out My Research...

I have given thought to what technique/s i will use to carry out my research, aswell as giving consideration that it will be suitable for my product. I will therefore use both questionnaires and observational research to find out what types of magazines, the public are interested in and what type of information and adverts that should be included in the magazine to make it appeal to a certain target audience. My choice of conducting questionnaires to the public, was based on the thought and decision that with specific questions aimed at the public, i would be able to find out what consumers thrive for when purchasing a magazine. Although i also thought about carrying out an observational research amungst the public to see what the latest read is and what type of magazine is popular today, however i feel that this will be difficult to carry out due to the lack of people that might be reading magazines on the day i carry out this type of research.

For Observational Research

  • I would have an approximate estimation of what is the most popular magazine to read
  • This techniques might be difficult to the lack of people reading in public at the time of my observation.
For Questionnaires


  • I will be able to find out what consumers demand in their magazine
  • Vital information for readership


  • some of the information provided might be biased

1 comment:

Eoin Meade said...

What do you mean when you say some of the info gathered from questionnaires might be biased? Regarding observational research, sometimes this can be useful when done with a focus group. You could give a range of magazines to a sample of your potential audience and see how they read the magazines - some may flick, some may plan their reading by using the contents pages. This method would give you a better sense of how a magazine is actually used by consumers. When answering a questionnaire respondants are usually only able to respond in a way perscribed by you (as the creator of the questionnaire) and they are removed from the actual experience of reading a magazine. When answering questionnaires we can also do so in a self-conscious way leading us to answer according to how we would like to be seen rather than how we really behave.