Monday 3 November 2008

Mock Up Ideas Of Front Cover Of My Magazine

I have created my first mock up of the way in which i want my presentation of the front cover to appeal to my audience, however when analysing this particular mock up, i was given feedback on the layout of the title of my magazine, it cam to my attention that there was a reson behind why many magazine feature their titles at the top of the page, simply because when advertised on a shelf, the title is less visable to the audience, therefore forcing their eyes to skip the magazine and forcu at another.
Onee again another aspect that was brought to my attention was the 'Hottest Urban Fashion' as my selling line, i was given advice to change this due to the effect of what my magazine represents and is about, therefore i need to think about the following:
  • using a more diversed selling line that suggests to the audience that it is a local, south London magazine, that differs from all other lifestyle magazines.
For this particular front cover i have changed the layout, therefore presenting the title at the bottom of my magazine, however once again, displaying the title at the bottom of my magazine prevents my audience from reviewing the titile, which would mean that i would have to improve the layout of this feature. Although the bold font i have used here for my title of my magazine, creates a straight forward impression.

I like the way in which i have created sections on the front cover for the different topics that will be covered in this magazine.
The black and white image that i have used here is one that i found on the internet specialised for this mock up to gain an idea of what i want my front cover to look like, however i will therefore carry out a photo shoot creating a similar image tothis one, but using teenagers instead, which suggests my target audience. The reason behind the idea of using a male and female model for my front cover, is to simply draw the attention to both genders.
The choice of using a black and white image for my front cover, is an idea that i am happy to continue with, for my final mock up. I think these colours blended together would work well as well as they aralso two colours of which no other magazine have used on their own front cover, which is what makes it all than more appealing because it is different.

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