Wednesday 24 September 2008

Charts Of Results

Price is a very important issue when it comes to consumers purchasing a magazine, if it’s a good read then they are more likely to want to pay the little bit extra. Reviewing my results, I can see that the average yet most popular price consumers are willing to pay is £1.50-2.50, however from the results i have come to a conclusion on my pricing strategy, therefore pricing it between the figures of £1.50-£2.50, hence the face that due to my magazine being a low production valued magazine i have given thought about pricing it slightly lower than £1.50 and therefore making it £1.
From the results presented in the pie chart shown above, I can see that 80% of females read magazines than the remaining of 20% males. From my results the idea of combining a male magazine and female magazine has crossed my mind. This implication will benefit my magazine especially if I was producing a product to gain more readerships.

The next stage I will proceed with is to analysis the layout of which fashion is presented. I will also review the content of the magazine, to further my mock up of the ‘fashion pages’ as well as the more serious issues such as real life stories and the way in which the editor has chosen to present these stories to a male audience. This will generate my ideas when creating my own stories aimed at a wider audience.

The graph above shows that not many people follow a healthy diet, but selecting this question to ask my target audience has given more information about consumer needs. I think that if my magazine promoted healthy eating in a more precise yet straight forward way then more people will feel the need to eat healthy whereas from my research I have noticed that a lot of magazine seems to promote healthy eating in a reluctant way, which in fact not everyone follows due to having the time. I will therefore introduce a routine diet where consumers can still follow these trends to gain the body that they aspire to have.
Many of my audience find crime a 'very important' issue therefore form my results i realised that not many magazines are able to contain this type of topic and if some do, it is usually briefing. Due to the fact that consumers thrive to hear about crime, my decision has been concluded to include the topic of crime in my magazine, using the audience to give feedback so i could therefore create sections of different opinions on how crime is viewed by the public, which i will then later go on to discuss.

The out numbering figures of 60% of my audience found fashion important, which says a lot out consumers needs to continue to follow trends. Since fashion was found ‘quite important’ to my audience, i have decided that my magazine will feature the latest trends carried out by teenagers. Due to my magazine being a high street fashion collection, i have deicded to carry out the high street look, where i will use brands such as topman, river island etc, only thing is i will mix and match the collection that i am combining together. When it comes to fashion, the people that i will be using to model, will present a casual yet rough/street look.

Looking back at the results that I had conducted, I noticed that not many people purchase magazines weekly, and if so, this would not be on a regular basis, probably once a month so this has made me think very carefully about what to add in my magazine, hence the fact that not many students cannot afford to buy a magazine weekly, therefore i have decided to make my magazine a monthly issue, where it will consist of in depth stories, as well as the magazine will contain in depth stories, that will be enduring content. My stories will be related to real life events, with a few small structured celebrity articles.

1 comment:

Eoin Meade said...

You have uncovered some very clear trends in your audience's tastes and preferences but your commentary on these results needs to be more anlytical and less descriptive. You should be able to make some very specific plans as a result of these responses. For example. the clear preference for purchasing a monthly magazine should lead you to create a montly and also point you towards more 'enduring' content such as more in depth stories etc.