Sunday 19 October 2008

Analysis Of an article featured in Look Magazine

Generic Convention of an Advert (Healthy Eating)

My Next Step?

The next stage that i will be proceeding with, it conducting a mock up photograph of the following aspects that will contribute to my photographs:
  • Equipment that will help enhance the photos e.g. lighting, costume,makeup,hair
  • Positions of my models

Wednesday 15 October 2008

Institutional Research (IPC SouthBank)

The Production Company that I have chosen to base my lifestyle magazine on is therefore IPC. IPC have produced a wide range of lifestyle magazines, especially the main magazine of which I have chosen to focus and study on.
For my magazine to be able to gain their audience, I would have to have to focus my magazine upon an institutional publisher that had produced successful magazines that already target an audience with aspirations of a glamorous lifestyle. IPC South Bank is suitable for my magazine, as it already produces a life style magazine’s alike Marie Claire which is very similar to the one in which I want to create. However the use of producing home interest and fashion aswell as women's lifestyle magazine all contribute to the way in which the magazine suggest our aspiration of life. Other products that IPC have been produced by IPC are, InStyle, Wedding Magazine, Ideal Home and Housetohome.
There are some key factors that can affect the type of adverts published in their magazine such as Gucci adverts featured in Marie Claire. The format of including seven pages of expensive priced luxuries, like adverts for Gucci, has been brought to IPC’s attention that their ‘fashion-conscious audience’, are likely to be able to afford to splash out on the more expensive price tags within the Gucci range due to the approaching recession. With a wide range to choose from (Clothes to sunglasses), it reminds the audience that an excessive amount of goods follow a wide range of the way in which the product is priced, although some consumers may be willing to pay the price for few items, but it is unlikely that they will spend a huge amount on just one item.
Due to my magazine being a similar version to Marie Claire yet having low production values, I have thought about advertising high street retails shop clothing, which connects to the idea of who my target audience is, therefore knowing that my audience are 16-25 year old, most of them are students, which as a matter of fact, expensive products like expensive brands like Gucci, will be not worth including in my magazine.

Product Research (Marie Claire)

Marie Claire receives over 15 million each month in total for every copy sold, where they aim to attract an audience between the ages of 25-39, however Marie Claire is known to provide their readers with the ‘finest fashion, beauty and food’ within the exclusive 380 pages.
What is common amongst readers is the fact that the contents of Marie Claire, especially the layout give space to the items of clothing, which does not clutter the pages, making it an obstacle for the readers. The size of the context simply makes it easy for readers with the medium sized fonts.

Readership: 1,019, 000
Circulation: 316, 765
Reader profile:

  • Medium age 34
  • 69%ABC1

High spending readers:

  • Spend £35 million per visit at the hairdressers
  • Spend £19 million every month on skin care/cosmetics
  • 75% agree its worth paying extra for quality goods
  • 83% treat themselves to things they don’t need

Fashion and beauty addicts:

  • 73% agree ‘it’s important to me to look well dressed’
  • 79% look after their image/appearance

Active readers:

  • Spend nearly an hour reading Marie Claire
  • Each page is looked at 2.1 time
The Age and percentage of Marie Claire readers:
14 - 17 years 34 3%
18 - 24 years 107 5.3%
25 - 34 years 117 4.1%
35 - 49 years 112 2.5%
50 - 64 years 64 1.7%
65 years and over 20 .7%

Occupation of Marie Claire’s target audience:
Work Full Time 202 2.9%
Work Part Time 132 4.1%
Not Employed 118 1.7%

Sunday 5 October 2008

Product Research (London Careers Magazine)

London career's magazine was chosen based on the idea that it was a low production free bee magazine, as its contents are similar to a higly priced lifestyle magazine such as 'Look' and 'Marie Claire', which contained exclusive real life celebritiy stories. Looking at these articles has given me idea in the way that i am going to present my article, and therefore considering, the storyline, the layout of the page and the colours chosen to represent the story.

Looking at a low production value magazine has given me an insight on what my magazine should look like, including the glossyness of the pages and the contents .

Product Research (LOOK MAGAZINE)

I decided that looking at a magazine that had the same values that my magazine would contain, would be very helpful, in a way that it would give me an idea of layout since my magazine will include only the first four pages (a front cover, advert on healty eating, Editorial /contents page,following with an article of a real life story, and opinion of the public on crime and a double spread of a fashion photo shoot.

Target audience Of Look:

Look is aimed for a younger generation, possibly age 27. Many of the women in this magazine, modelling trendy clothes are under the age of 30.

Gender: This magazine is aimed at women.

Lifestyle: Look is aimed at women who take interest in glamorous, glossy high street fashion and celebrity weekly updates.

Demographics: The demographics for Look’s audience would be working class, who would be hard working and focus but on the other hand still have time to socialise with her friends.

Psychographics: The target audience aspirers to strive for a better lifestyle buy gaining ideas from Look

Ø    The publisher of my magazine is: Tammi Iley

        and…Julie Lavington: Publishing Director

Ø    The audience that read Look usually have an annual income of £20.6k.

Ø    Employment Status: Full Time

Ø    Each Month they would spend at least £251 on shopping.

Ø    Each Month they would spend at least £85 on make up and skin care.

Feedback form look readers:

Look" The magazine is jam packed with fashion ideas, that are better than any their fashion magazine I’ve read!”

“ love the fact that it has everything a fashionable girl needs to know and would enjoy reading about. There’s no other magazine like it”

Appearance is everything!

83%agree  that “Looking good is really important to them

She loves fashion and shopping

87% women agree that “Shopping is one of their favourite pastimes”